Making Your Mind Up!
The weather hasn't the faintest idea what to do with itself at the moment and never has that been more true on the escape Livy and I enjoyed together this evening.
We set off under blue skies with bubble clouds, but quickly I could see impending doom as a big bank of heavy looking clouds began to build.
I was around ten minutes from home when there were flicks of rain...which then altered to pounding hailstones... moments later there was an almighty crash of thunder and the hailstones came down heavier still.
With five minutes to home, the thunder played it's loudest roar once more. The power shower of hail continued to do it's best at drowning out the sound of the thunder as it bounced off cars!!
Safe to say the only word to describe me upon getting back would be drip!! You could add frozen to that if you like, a frozen drip!
However I loved it!
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