
By Winsford


Today has gone well. 

First up was my regular yoga class which I had missed for the past two weeks as I was away. It was soooo good - we gently moved and rotated and stretched and I came away feeling tension - which I wasn't aware of - had melted from my shoulders. We also explored the legs position of Head if a Cow Pose. We built up to it gradually and so I was able to get (vaguely) into the correct position and could feel muscles stretch that I am not normally away from. 

After lunch we had our monthly u3a meeting followed by a SGM and then AGM. The speaker was the manager of the center we meet it and it was interesting to hear more about what they do, including running the local foodbank.  The SGM to adopt a new constitution went well and so a constitutional crisis was adverted in that existing committee members could serve another year in the absence of nominations for new office bearers coming forward. We will though have to address this in the coming year but new constitution makes this easier. 

I left the meeting to bright blue skies, against which my forsyhia looks rather nice. 

I have a new Gaelic Class this evening. My next course doesn't start until mid-August and I am keen to keep the momentum going and in particular work on my pronunciation, speaking more generally and listening.  The works with SMO, although this course isn't run through them, and is German. This will be the third German Gaelic tutor I have had. There are a surprising number of German Gaelic speakers and learners, so much so a film was made about them over ten years ago "Na Gàidheileamailtich" which was recently reshown in Glasgow. The title is a play on the Gaelic for something which is culturally Gaelic (Gàidhealach)  and German people (Gearmailtich).

The last paragraph is primarily for my benefit so I can remember the term :-) 

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