Imagine the view....

By btc

London Life: Let me entertain you.....

...did you see what I did there?! it will all make sense soon but first for a rant....

Just watched the first episode of the new series of Luther on BBC, all I can say is THANK YOU....wonderful well written, excellently acted, high quality British Drama.

Why can't the heads of our TV networks watch this and think to themselves, 'we should make more of stuff like this, no more TV for the illiterate and brain dead, not more programme about idiots in Essex, reality shows or anything containing the word Celebrity in the title'.

Please for me just change the trend. In case you haven't noticed, I enjoyed todays great if scary episode. (Sorry to all Americans, Canadians, Safa's, Kiwis, Aussies and Europeans who have no idea about what I am talking about).

Back to the title reference, the fat one from Take That is playing Wembley Stadium tonight, so after Luther finished I quickly popped out ran up a local bridge and took this shot of this mystery object because I didn't have anything else. I am not a Robbie fan but this is the only song of his I like.

LARGE Robbie

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