Noises from the SW Front

By Aestus

Gonna need a bigger boat!

Sharks aren't very common in the desert but I found this one. It's outside a mexican joint across from a restaurant I go to quite often at lunchtime. I went in there once or twice when it opened a couple of years ago. The food is ok but I don't think it's their priority.

The restaurant is located in a college town; the interior decor is obviously designed to be hosed-down, and there are warnings stencilled around the edges of the bar advising patrons that, if they decide to make use of the strategically located stripper poles to dance on the bar-top, they do so at their own risk.

I've never been there when any of that is going on; I don't stay up that late any more and I doubt it would be permitted anyway, but I imagine the fiberglass shark in my blip is not the only one to be found there on a Saturday night.

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