I'm going to stick my neck out .....
... & say Taraxacum spectabile. I've used The New Concise British Flora - W. Keble Martin to attempt identification. I've had this book for yonks. Mine cost £12.50 new ... Wow! I've just googled the book as a matter of interest... Amazon - New Hardback copy £263.87.
I wonder if I'm right with the ident.
An early couple of hours on the plot this morning. Weeding the fruit. Grass from the horse manure I picked up last Autumn I reckon. It came out fairly easily. 2 wheelbarrowfuls.
Drove to CK .... No electric in the kitchen. Flippin' eck! Switched all appliances off, flicked the trip switch then went around the kitchen switching appliances back on. Nothing tripped it. Thank goodness it came back on as the central heating boiler is in the kitchen. Made Mum's breakfast then walked Indie. The heath is gradually drying out but still really muddy at all the gates. The Lousewort & Milkwort are carpeting the fire brakes on one section of the heath. The gorse smelling of coconut. Sunny but with a sneaky wind.
Back at base the birdhouse has come off the garage wall. The eggs broken inside. A sweet feather lined nest. I tried to repair it with bits found in the garage but not satisfactory, so will need to get some timber from home to make a decent job. The Blue tits were going in & out of the other box fixed on the garage so hopefully they will set up home there. Mum & I went through the clothes hanging in her wardrobe. She has 3 new pairs of trousers, now we need to find her some new tops. Lunch was cooking while we did that. Steak pie, broccoli, carrots, & peas, fresh raspberries & clotted cream to follow. Mum has a very healthy appetite. Indie does too. She loves butternut squash.
It's been a chaotic few days. Phew! Time spent on the allotment, & walking Indie give me time to recharge.
Thanks to Annie for hosting Flower Friday
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