Extra Ordinary

By PhilippaJ


He looked very fine in all his night time water fountain glory.

At the other end of the day Hannah and I left her house before 5am to go to Heathrow. Everything went very smoothly, the plane took off in time and everything. We arrived a Bologna before 11, imagine that?! Sadly all trains were cancelled but we caught the replacement bus into bologna. In the rain. We wandered away from the station, before that I asked a man (in Italian!!) where the left baggage was!

Anyway, a fine lunch, back to the trains. I asked the train station lady per due bigliette per Firenze. I was looking forward to the beautiful views but as it turns out the journey from bologna to Florence is mainly through the mountains, ie tunnels.

But, all brilliant. Arrived Florence, bus to our apartment. Up THE HUGE STEPS with our SUITCASES!! We have an apartment where you arrive hugely sweaty and with a thumping heart- we think hugely heathy for us.

Anyway the apartment is top. We acclimatised, went back down the towering steps and with our increasing levels of exhaustion wandered round for our dinner. And to the supermacarto for our breakfast/ so many lovely things - my plan for living in Italy is energised! Home up the crazy steps, bed, fabulous day!

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