
By IainatCreel

Take the Floor

On a good day, with a tail wind, the max download speed at Creel HQ is 6.28 Mbps. When the 'copper wire' system is removed soon, we will not get fibre.  Ahead of the mysterious big switch over l tried to speak to both Ofcom and BT.  After waiting on hold for enough time to read, and discuss, a Martin Amis novel, l concluded that the BT rep was using an anagram.  Fibre should have been fibber. 

CMC went to see Mum and later play badminton. And bring home a fish supper.  She played a blinder today too.  She removed the carpet in the air lock (l think three other Blippers have been in it) and fitted new tiles.  Today's image is courtesy of CMC.  She wishes you all a good weekend.  

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