Lazing on a sunny afternoon
Busy morning for us both: MrB flying home from Scotland before the sparrows had stretched their wings, and me doing some tidying.
Once he was home we headed off to town to pick up the car that was MoT’d on Thursday and, with all the cars safely gathered in, and an inspection of the weight bench I constructed on Thurs/Fri satisfactorily concluded, it was terrace time.
It feels like a while since we just hung out on the terrace for a whole afternoon. So, some family catching up, some chat about a political thing I’m tangentially involved with, and a fine amount of bread, cheese, and wine. A 3 centre go at the various quizzes, with the kids pitching in surprising knowledge of South Sea islands, and a largely polite ‘discussion’ with a neighbour about the illegal cutting of paths through the woods.
And, as you can see, a funny shaped ice cube in Mr B’s pineau.
Diary organisation, and now Mr B is firing up the bbq for a côte de bœuf. Happy days.
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