
By Incredibish

On a Wing and a Prayer

The Sun shone, and we enjoyed it thoroughly from the delights of the garden. 

In the wilder bit at the very front the forget-me-nots have taken over beneath the oak and the apple trees, and in amongst them this ladybird (seemingly bereft of one of her wing carapaces and potentially one of her wing seeks to hide amidst the flowers...

I don't know... Is it damage or is it partial transmogrification from larval stage?

It was the AGM of The Druid Network today, and I ought to have been in Derbyshire as Trustee and Secretary of the charity. Priorities shift, and I wouldn't have been able to keep my mind on the meeting if I'd gone. As it was, I managed to Zoom in (and get voted in again as secretary!).

If I had gone, there would have been pub. In the lack of pub, I declare the ritual of the blessed bottle be held. The Sun is still shining, after all.

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