
By bivbov

Spring lambs

It has been a pretty decent day so far.

Noo had a good sleep, so I lounged in bed with my coffee and did Wordle etc. He woke at 8.30am and I gave him breakfast before heading out to Petra’s for coffee. Alison joined us and we went for a walk. We saw these cuties on our walk.

Alison then came back to my house and spent an hour helping me to tidy up the mess and neglect that I have been left with in the garden. She also took all the rubbish to the dump. I am so grateful for that.

Then, my neighbour Chris finished off some of the unfinished jobs in the bathroom.

Noo and I went for a walk - I’m still not up for running. We are now waiting for ZQ and curry for tea.

Extras show some of the home improvements

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