
By Majoayee


We left home after I broke the ice on the bird bath! 

On our way to our eldest son!  We had a very quick stop in Ferrybridge then on to Grantham to the outlet place there and had something to eat! Finally arrived just after13:00.  

It was wonderful to be here, in Fairfield again.  I went for a walk with our granddaughter round the estate.  Then after a delicious slice of ciabatta,above, with that little bit of basil that makes it so good, Ro and I left to go to church in Letchworth! We parked a bit away from the church in a lovely leafy road so peaceful! We were near a fountain in Broadway Gardens.

Letchworth is the original garden city.  Plenty of space.  A Quaker town originally so no alcohol and self-sufficiency were encouraged.  Plenty of churches etc.

The two cats: Allie and Bobby are Maine Coon and are very big! They love sitting in boxes etc! 

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