Glenmore Lodge staff training. The most pressured workshop I've ever (maybe will ever!) facilitate.
When I tentatively said yes to doing a bit I didn't twig it was for "everybody day" rather than just discipline specific day.
Which meant at i was somewhere on the A9 early this morning realising that thered be 20+ of the most qualified experienced inspiring top of thier game paddlesport coaches in the country looking back at me when I stood up! Literally people who've paddled 1sts all over the world, led trips to remote difficult places, won stuff, been heads or centres/organisations, trained and assessed people at the highest levels. In every version of paddlesport. 2 past principals of the lodge. Many for longer than I've been alive, let alone working. A few have become friends, a few others I occasional work with but yeah intimidating audience. Especially on a topic that's often not so inspiring. For 3 hours.
Turned into a brilliant session. Everyone fully engaged, interested, getting stuck in to the learning and the fun. Sharing ideas, trying new things, asking great questions. Taking lots of things away to apply to thier context. Everything you'd want from a professionals workshop.
I had loads of fun too!
Really encouraged by a couple of specific folks taking time to come give some lovely positive feedback affirming some tricky choices made years ago have worked out.
A rare very pleased moment.
Then, as it should be, we all pitched back into centre life and spent 2 hours moving chairs, tables, trailers, boats. Sticking up flags timetables, signs and tidying up ready to welcome 75 club coaches and volunteers to their weekend CPD.
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