My New Toy

Well, the excitement of my new iPhone 5 arriving yesterday afternoon was palpable in these parts.
For 2 years I have tried to be an Android phone user on the advice of son, D77, who assured me it was the way to go. Well I went that way and regretted it bitterly; I am an Apple girl at heart and my head thinks like the late Mr Jobs.
I couldn't wait for my contract to run out in order to upgrade to a new IPhone.

My excitement lasted just long enough for me to take it out of its beautifully designed packaging, cradle it in my hands, charge the battery, switch it on, get connected to WiFi and sync my contacts.

It dissipated very quickly when it was impossible to verify the new SIM card using the instructions I was given. Frustration and a feeling of complete incompetence replaced my earlier exhilaration when the result was no service on both old and new phones.

However a lengthy phone call to the technical department this morning resulted in exoneration from my being a total pillock on all things IT. It turns out that their instructions were missing some vital numbers.

All that remains now is to get used to the Apple system of working after those two years of having to think Android.

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