
By AnnieBurke1

Our Last Full Day and Night!

Its Monday, we are going home very late tomorrow night. Which means today is our last full day, and full night here in Majorca. So we decided to have a little celebration, we have discovered a bar/restaurant just down the road.

It is run by an English group of family and friends who are really nice and friendly. We have visited here earlier this week, and were really pleased with the food, drink and welcome we got there.

So we are going back tonight, they do amazing food and great cocktails to! After spending the day just chilling in the hotel and by the pool, we got our selves ready for our last night out.

Here we are, before we went out on our balcony. We had a lovely night at JJ's English Bar and Restaurant. If we return to Majorca, we shall definitely be returning to there!!

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