A day in the life

By Shelling


We had a storm a couple of days ago and when I went to The Grove today I was met by this giant lying across the path leading into the protected forest. Observe the lack of roots, there is nothing holding the tree apart from luck and balance, we sometimes hear of trees suddenly falling on  clear and windless days. Once when I was walking there I could hear a tree fall in the distance. A couple of years ago the pre-schools used to bring the kids there to learn things and to have a picnic but they don't come anymore. It's sad to see. Still, The Grove is one of the prettiest places in spring, right now we have carpets of blue, yellow and white anemonies all over and people come from miles around to see them. As far as I know nobody has been hurt by falling trees yet and nobody comes here when the wind is strong (I think, I'm not there anyway).

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