Another Day

By BlackTulip

No problem

The house is in chaos and I’m not sure how much more can be left in the decorators’ vans as our dining room was already full to the rafters, including three Henry vacuum cleaners, and now the lounge is filling up.  I’m biting my tongue.

The kitchen has been out of action all day and looks like it will be again tomorrow.  We spent the morning in MK and then had lunch in Olney.  

Weather atrocious so no chance of walking off my huff.

The hedgehog came in early yesterday evening and I managed to get a half decent picture of it (extra).  At the moment I’m having a battle with a juvenile squirrel who is intent on getting at the seeds inside the “squirrel-proof” feeder.

I hope to be in a better mood tomorrow.  On second thoughts…… 

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