One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Gimme one good reason to get out of bed...

I know, I know Luca, Monday mornings can be tough. I will give you not one but two good reasons though:

1. Unless you adopt a vertical position pretty swiftly, the cat is about to land on a tender part of your body. Cat, not unlike humans, have this rare ability to derive pleasure from another being's suffering.

2. It is 7.45am and in a little over two hours' time you will find out on the Front Square of Trinity College that yours is one of the names read aloud in this year's announcement of the new scholars. 

Jayzus Luca, what tremendous news. Today is a big day in your life. We are all so incredibly proud of you. 
As I type this, you're on the Dart on your way to the formal dinner given by Trinity. One of many formal events for scholars of this old and venerable institution (well, old anyway). 
Today is a major step in your growing up and becoming independent. Below the ceremonial gown that you'll wear tonight, I can see a pair of shiny new wings peaking out. Spread them and soar. 

With your growing interest in your appearance in the last two years and the numerous hours spent on the grooming of that moustache of yours, I have on many occasions tried to remind you that style is nothing without substance. You have more than demonstrated that you have both. Well done, Boy. 

I was so worried that 10am today would be a major disappointment for you (not us - we were so impressed by your hardwork and dedication, no matter what the outcome might have been), considering all the work you have poured into those schols exams. I was so worried that you'd be there on that big square, overdressed and dejected. Dickie-bowed and deflated. But my worse fear didn't materialise. 

I am so happy.   

I feel slightly elated myself. And it is only partially to do with the fact that your tuition fees will be paid for for the next 5 years... 

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