Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Forever Shining.

A rather sad Monday with news from Troon. Polly lost her battle with cancer this morning and, as I'm sure you can imagine, it is devastating and heartbreaking.

Polly was, and always will be, a gorgeous little bichon frisé with character and personality that was far bigger than her small stature.

She gave love unconditionally. Forever faithful. Endlessly giving out so much joy. With Polly by your side, you always had a friend.

I'll never forget the way she would bound into my car, sit on the passenger seat, or driver's seat, and look at you as if to say, "where are you taking us now?"

The way Polly used to greet me upon arrival at Troon will always be something I treasure. She wasn't just excited, she was off the charts. She had a way of making you feel incredibly special.

Polly will always hold a special place in the hearts of all those who were lucky enough to meet her and my heart will certainly always wear the paw prints left by her. xx

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