Hobbs's Run

By hobbs

Darwin's Walk

The Village of Wentworth Falls and the actual falls themselves are named after William Wentworth, one of the three explorers who first crossed the Blue Mountains in 1813. In 1834, Charles Darwin walked the distance between the village, the falls and the Jamison Valley. 

The bush track he was guided through has since become known as Darwin's Walk.  It follows the beautiful Wentworth Falls Creek and constitutes one of the most varied and interesting walking trails in the area. It passes numerous waterfalls, fern glens, silt beaches and lagoons. Native flora and fauna are everywhere.

The track had been fully closed for some while, undergoing safety upgrades, the installation of many new bridges and boardwalk sections along with numerous new signs and flood repairs. There is still work to be done but most of it is now reopened for public use. 

See the extra for more glimpses of our excursion, today.

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