
By LadyPride

Wrong side of the bed

You know I didn't mean,
What I just said,
But my God woke up on the wrong side of his bed,
And it just don't matter now

Little by Little, Oasis (2002)

Audrey (aka Terry) kept us awake half the night which meant we were both ratty as hell this morning. I'd asked Angus for a lie-in but the message got lost in translation, resulting in me having to rudely wake him up as he hadn't heard Audrey crying at 7.30am. He wasn't best pleased, we had a row and I didn't get my lie in after all. Wouldn't mind but I never ever get one, it is a familiar tale, something always goes wrong.

I tried to apologise but Angus was having none of it, resulting in more fighting, slammed doors and a calling off of our plans for the day (a day out to Liverpool).

He wanted Audrey so I said I'd just go to Liverpool anyway and we both sulkily got ready to go our separate ways. It was a horrible atmosphere and after shedding a few tears in the kitchen, he agreed we could all go together.

It was still very strained though, not helped by the fact that Audrey was clearly exhausted from her restless night too.

We managed lunch at Gusto on the docks and a walk round a few shops including the infamous Cricket (pictured) with the largest collection of Louboutins I have ever seen in one place. Thousands of pounds of designer shoes piled high on shoe racks.

Drove home in veritable silence through rush hour traffic. I've just been out for a run to let off some steam.

I don't know what is wrong with us both at the moment but we seem to be arguing a lot. I do hate it.

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