Today turned into a busy day and I wasn't able to take much advantage of the sunshine (there was still a cold wind). I got a message first thing saying the Children's Worker couldn't make it so a fair chunk of afternoon was taken up helping with the club. Still waiting for a suitable applicant for the second post so this doesn't happen.
Keepfit in the morning, followed by the weekly shop and then just time to fit in a visit to collect soem compost made from our garden waste (it's sold on a "fill-your-own-bags basis" quite cheaply) - except they didn't have any. It's a couple of motns since they did and another until they expect more, the wet weather has played havoc with its production. We had to stop off to buy some and I had just enough time to empty one bag into 2 tubs before heading off to club.
Back home it was cooking, eating, getting in the washing and Zoom prayer meeting.
I hope tomorrow is a bit more relaxed.
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