Too Much Monkey Business
On This Day In History
1980: Iran hostage mission ends in disaster
Quote Of The Day
"I wish I had sent one more helicopter to get the hostages, and we would've rescued them, and I would've been reelected."
(Jimmy Carter)
What happened to Homo rudolfensis, Homo erectus, Homo neanderthalensis, Homo solensis and the other types of humans who lived at the same time as Homo sapiens and then mysteriously disappeared? One theory is, Homo sapiens interbred with them but eventually sapiens’ larger brains caused the others to die out. The other theory is, sapiens thought the other types of humans looked too similar to be comfortable with yet too different to tolerate and so wiped them all out in an onslaught of xenophobia.
Sadly, looking at the way too many homo sapiens today behave towards members of their own species with different cultures, religions, skin, hair colour, favourite football teams or music preference, the second theory seems far more likely.
The Monkees
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