
By AnneILM60

Cooper/Chicken Hawk

I ran a couple of errands first this morning and then came home to sit outside with MiniMe for about 90 minutes.

While I was sitting out there, this Cooper Hawk came to sit in the dead dogwood tree until a Mockingbird started to dive bomb him.

He then moved to one of the cypress trees but that was far enough away for the Mockingbird and it continued to dive bomb the Cooper Hawk until the Cooper Hawk flew away.

Thinking the Mockingbird must have had babies near by. Great job Mockingbird! As soon as the Cooper Hawk flew off the squirrels were active again and the birds were back to coming to the feeders.

Kent came home early to burn the debris pile and so that gave me a great excuse to get back outside again. There was just enough breeze that when in the shade I was comfortable. I even managed a half hour nap. ;-)

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