Context and intention

In another place, with a little card explaining that they are intended as a critique of how the countryside is being sacrificed to globalisation and consumerism, they wouldn't just be litter.

But mainly, where the fuck is the water going? That's what we're asking ourselves now that the heating engineer has told us that the boiler is working perfectly, that he can repressurise the boiler but as soon as he connects it to the network of pipes that run to the hot water taps, the radiators and the underfloor heating, the pressure disappears. There's a leak but no water to show for it. Logic, the presence of (cold) water at each hot tap, the absence of murky stains and dripping ceilings suggests that it's under the floor. But which room will need to be emptied and have its oak or maple floor ripped up? Hopefully the man from the underfloor heating installation company will be able to say. Whenever he gets here.

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