Halter Tree

Now you may think you are looking at a Horse Chestnut tree! But I can assure you it is in fact " the halter or head collar tree!!
I can't believe I have had to resort to blipping the above, having had a heart winning cute blip to hand this morning and letting it slip away!!
Yesterday during one of our clearing tasks I heard a plaintive mewing, I looked all around but could find nothing. This morning on returning to said location I spied a wee hedge hog ( smaller than a tennis ball ) on inspection it proved to still have its eyes shut. We have seen an adult hedge pig in the bosses garden, about during the day, so perhaps in our clearing up we have disturbed a brooding mum? So a call to the vets and both are now safely at a rescue centre. Now how did I forget to blip the little blighter!!! :¬(
Trust you are all safe and well out there one and all......

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