Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

Then there was non

If you look at my blip of 15th June you will see a blaze of colour behind us. It is our 10 year old bougonvilla. Tonight it is no more, I had become heartily sick of sweeping up dead flowers and leaves, the garden always looked untidy. So tonight it came down, the front gate now looks very bare. You might also notice some crap tiling, NOT Roy's work. We actually employed a guy a few years ago to tile the wall he obviously didn't do 'levels' and he also couldn't have been bothered to do a proper tiling job, hence the missing bits. We always thought he was a bit of an odd character, and we were proved right, one day his wife came home to find him in bed, dressed in her clothes with another man, it takes all sorts.

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