
By ChubbasMummy

Day Two

Today we all took a trip to Blyth Town centre for baby milk, also picked up a few lovely bargains. We then went to Blyth beach where we took a walk along and then to get fish and chips, well I had steak pie because I don't like fish. AR seemed to sleep through the full thing only waking when I was wanting to eat and when we had ice cream.

We then came back to the caravan park and headed down to the showbiz again, but there was a dance competition on for the kids, LR and HR both won and had to choose an adult to come up and dance. I had AR in the sling and I still got dragged up, ended up winning cause had AR. Then there was a Blackpool Puppet Show which had come to performed and AR was so glued to it. She was tired but wouldn't let herself sleep.

Love xoxo

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