Life with The Pinks

By suzypink


This is more a record for me than anything else. But I am feeling very pleased with the strawberry crop this year! We have a raised bed, slightly smaller than a single bed, filled with strawberry plants, and this year they are producing loads. So far we've had two big cereal bowls full, and then I picked these today. There are still a few on the plants too. I've prepared the bulk of these this evening to make jam, as we won't get through them all before they go squishy. It's very exciting (for me!).

In other non fruit related news; woke up to a master Pink being cross with me, took him to school and Miss Pink aka Snow White to preschool (it's dressing up week). Did some sewing on Conor's playmat (sorry Conor, it will be ready soon). Picked strawberries. Picked Miss Pink up from preschool. Went to sainsburys, did food shop and had a coffee and snack with Miss P. bought Miss Pink some more bits of school uniform (sob). Back home we did stickers, and prepared tea, picked Master P up from a friends house, cooked dinner and got shouted at by Master Pink. A lot.

But tomorrow there will be jam. And maybe scones!!!!

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