Blush response

By Esper

Tea: It Is The Way

On This Day In History
1773: British parliament passes the unpopular Tea Act

Quote Of The Day
"The Dye is cast: The People have passed the River and cutt away the Bridge: last Night Three Cargoes of Tea, were emptied into the Harbour. This is the greatest, Event, which has ever yet happened Since the Controversy, with Britain, opened! The Sublimity of it, charms me!" *
(John Adams)

You know, you still owe us those three cargoes of tea, America. Then again, you did give us Star Wars and Star Trek, so I guess we can call it quits. I'll raise my Darth Vader tea cup to you for that.

I purchased Season Two of The Mandalorian today. I'm very excited! I see from the inlay that Ahsoka Tano appears in this season. Awesome! I'm looking forward to seeing more of Moff Gideon; what a great character! Also, I have a feeling that it is Season Two that concludes with an appearance by Luke Skywalker just after the events of Return Of The Jedi. (No spoliers, please! )

* With all these random capital letters and commas, how can one not read this in the voice of Captain Kirk?


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