Met Trina one of the ladies from the Club. Just her and I at the Auld Brig for coffee and chat. I knew Trina for many years and she is the same age as me and walks her feet off. Her husband died suddenly in Perth High Street about 10 years ago of a sudden heart attack. We actually walked past his just as it happened and despite the efforts of an off duty nurse performing CPR he died there on the pavement.
She is off to Darwin next month for 5 weeks to visit her daughter grandchildren and also while there a family trip to Bali. She was telling me the last time she was there in 2019 she walking in a park and looked above her and this massive snake was sitting in the tree!!
When the owner popped out to get something from the store cupboard his cat leapt up on the counter and the. Just after this I caught it licking the cream off the carrot cake UGH!!! I told him when he came back in about it so he didn’t serve to someone. The cat is quite magnificent and nice to look at and stroke but that’s as far as I go with cats. The thought of emptying a cat litter tray and the smell makes me boke Lol!
Still not decided on our last three nights in Italy. It’s between Bologna and Padua, Verona was also a possibility but we’ve been there so ruled it out.
Weather for the first week looks showery and 21 degrees. At last some heat!!
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