The Little Moments

By littlemoments

New Every Morning

Today was my final morning, and I'd taken the decision last night to lay aside plans to get stuck straight back in with jobs I have for tomorrow's service, so I could be present in this space for a bit longer. I normally wake up around 4am, but been on a slightly different pattern the last couple of days. I've had two mornings where I slept between 4 and 6am but today I woke up in time for dawn. From my bed, I could see the windmill just up the lane glowing in beautiful light. It was enough of an invitation to get up and go investigate. 

I was just going to go to the cliff top but felt it was the plan to carry on down the path to where I've enjoyed the view the last few days.... then kept on down to where the seals are. The sun rise was beautiful. I stayed up on a ledge from the seals to watch them. 

I spent a while watching them run (wriggle..? flop?) into the sea. 
They know that submersing themselves in the waters is their safety.  
They know exactly where to go. 

There was a large robin sat on the branch of one of the trees as I climbed back up the cliff. Before I'd got back up, the clouds had gathered. I spent a bit of time in the cottage, looking back over the last few days particularly, then packed the car. I had just got my large canvas piece of work safely into the car when the heavens spectacularly emptied their contents. 

I'm back at work now, in a weird limbo space of half in work, but not yet returning fully to the world of emails, WhatsApp etc while I rework/finish my talk for tomorrow, while parts of the things that have to be dealt with before tomorrow land too.  

Looking forward to letting go of it all later tonight and S is stopping round in a couple of hours for a hug and quick catch up. We've barely crossed paths since before I went to Ibiza. Then I think I'll be back to an unfinished piece of art I'm on with.  

Extras of the seals and the dawn. 

Lam 3.22/23 

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