inkface's year

By inkface


Thank you for all the heartfelt messages yesterday. Very tearful this morning reading them. We buried our beautiful Nelly today in the garden she’s loved all her life. She’s near to where the old apple tree was blown over in the high winds some months back. All the blue wild flowers are from the garden. We knew she was old (16 last January) but she was getting on just fine and loving her life. On Thursday afternoon though she was very quiet and slept for a long time. When she was going to go outside in the evening she just sort of went off her legs and couldn’t get up. I put her on the settee in her usual spot and she didn’t seem to know what was going on - it was as if she’d had some sort of a stroke. Not interested in either eating or drinking. I sat with her all night. We realised early on Friday morning that this was the end. Our vet who we’ve been with over 25 years wouldn’t do a home visit so I had to find one online. The vet who came to her was lovely, she was so gentle and sensitive and Nelly had the kindest end in her own home on her own settee. We are both devastated and Ziggy is quiet and sad.

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