Over Yonder

By Stoffel

I Say! You There! Make Room!

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellow,

Here's how the spare bedroom works. Caro sleeps in there with the two "Barn Cats" (as we collectively known them) and occasionally Smokey too, if his mum is away. 

Smokey has a nice bed on the floor, DG likes to sleep next to Caro and Crashy loves to cuddle up to a foot. So typically he's leaning against Caro's leg all night. 

But cats being cats, they sometimes like to mix it up. Here you see DG having decided that SHE wants Caro's leg and applying some none-too-subtle pressure to get Crashy to give up his spot. 

"If I put my BUM on him, he will HAVE to move," is clearly the thought here. 

But he did not move. It was a bum-battle. And Crashy won.


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