
By mummyandgirl

Romeo and Juliet

What a day for this girl. Lower School production of Romeo and Juliet opened today. It was dress rehearsal afternoon and opening night tonight.

And this mama got to watch. With our gorgeous friend Emily who came along to share the adventure. 

My girl smashed it. It was a stunning production - using original text and fusing it with contemporary dance and music. She was Tybalt in the first half and boy, was she committed to her fight scenes. Culminating in her spectacular death, where she was carried off at height by the Fates. 

She then costume changed over the interval and joined the Fates dancing for the second half, including a stunning duet with Henry. 

It was spectacular. The set, the production, the lighting, the standard of the performances, the costumes, the dress rehearsal photography, it was all spectacular. I was so proud of her, she was both out of her comfort zone yet totally in her happy place. I absolutely loved being able to be there for her, even if it meant arriving home at 3am Friday morning on a work day. It was absolutely worth it.  

Lots of extras today. We've been looking forward to sharing these with our blip family!

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