Now I'm no expert ....
... but I believe this could be a favourite hangout for one of the resident Stonechats on Chudleigh Knighton heath.
Torrential rain overnight meant the wellyboots were required again. Squelch, squelch .... drip, drip. The rain & wind had blown a lot of blossom off the apple trees, apple trees that I did'nt even realise were there as they are amongst the oak, birch, hazel of the deciduous woodland that surrounds the heath. I only knew because I spotted the blossom on the ground. I found 2 clumps of Three cornered leek in the woodland so promptly removed the flowering stems, & will continue to do so every time I pass. It's a real thug of a plant " the three-cornered leek is considered an invasive under schedule 9 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, meaning it is an offence to plant it or cause it to grow in the wild." It appeared in Mum's garden, & is gradually swamping out the other plants even though 2 years ago Mum & I did a thorough clean out, plus weedspray.
The rain cleared to a beautiful bright shiny day. A chilly wind though.
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