Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Fun with Felix and photoshop!

Felix has taken to plonking himself down on top of my feet whenever I stand still! I think its some sort of silent protest, but as he is as enigmatic as ever I can't fathom out what he wants ;o)

Actually I think he's just expiring with the heat - much like me! Only he's really taken against the electric fan and mightily disaproves of it.... (I wonder if he was coached by my parents before they went away to prevent me from using too much electricity?! hmmmm) its his own fault really.
Try explaining that to him!
(I did try, he wasn't interested)

I drove up Assynt today hoping to take some good photographs, and wouldn't you know it as soon as I got in the car the sun went away! I was going to go to the Black Rock Gorge and snap away there, but I clearly didn't remember how far it was from the road, and I was all hot and sticky and tired. So gave up!
When we were young we used to hike up there from our house up through the woods all the time - now even driving round by the road is too far!

So no decent blips today I'm afraid - but I did have lots of fun with photoshop :O)
I've never used it before because I don't have it on my own computer, but my folks have some sort of inferior freebee version (Jasc paintshop) on here so I thought I'd experiment a bit. No idea what I'm doing, but I enjoyed playing with it!

Felix and I have just finished watching Bolt. It was great!
I enjoyed it immensley. Felix was non-plussed.
Thanks to M for lending it to me xxx

PS. more here :o)

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