A Flash of Red

I was just hanging the washing out wondering what to blip when I saw the very smallest flash of red on one of the shrubs.....I went to investigate and yay....a ladybird. I've hardly seen any so far this year. Not a great photo but she only allowed me 2 shots before she flew off!!

Very busy today....I've neglected the housework this week so need to spend some time tidying up. Rob has a cricket match after school that he wants me to go and watch and I've somehow been roped into helping out at swimming club tonight - 6.30-9pm!!!

Lucy has gone off to a Maths quiz/conference (not sure) at Warwick University so she'll have another chance to look around without me tagging along.

Right.....off to make a start.....shall be popping back regularly though :)

Many thanks for all of the lovely comments, stars and hearts for Madame Squirrel yesterday xx

Oh, and the sun is shining......hope you get to enjoy it x

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