Meet the Morgans

By familymorgan


Jan's Hen do today!! Amelie had been running across to Hilda's with me as I was taking things over this morning and ended up getting herself invited to the brunch part of our day. It seemed only fair when her brother was getting to go for most of the day! We had a delicious brunch and crafted our sashes for the day. Isaac had a quick feed before the mini buses arrived to take us to our next activity - mini highland games! This was great fun despite the rain and lack of waterproof clothing. My Mum sat in the taxi with Isaac, shouting me over when it was feeding time. After highland games Chris arrived to pick Isaac up (and take everybody's clothes back after we had changed in a shipping crate!) and we went into Edinburgh. One scavenger hunt later and we ended up in Indigo Yard for our meal. I was having a lovely baby free time when I got a text from Chris to say that Isaac had been screaming for an hour and he was hysterical. He wouldn't drink his milk because he was in such a state. Of course I wanted to leave straight away and said as much in my reply. Minutes later, he was asleep. He was obviously over tired but by this point I was feeling guilty and upset. I'm not sure why Chris told me how upset he was becuase he didn't want me to come home! Anyway I enjoyed another hour and then my Dad came for my Mum and I and we took Nicola home too. My little monster didn't wake until 4 in the morning but when he saw me he gave me the biggest grin!

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