An early workout on the plot
Still a bit to do, but heading in the right direction. I really, Really, need to empty the metal shed. I can hardly move in there, I am such a hoarder, but this mornings mission was to turn some ground, manure a couple of small beds, and tidy up around the compost bins. First job was to plant the pot of mint in the herb bed. That took all of 5mins. Bobby robin arrived for his breakfast swiftly followed by the dunnock. They have a very amicable arrangement going. The robin eats off the metal ledge the dunnock clears up on ground level. A bitterly cold wind, black as yer hat out across the moor. The forecast is rain from lunchtime - ish. I think it could be sooner. I lifted some leeks, cleaned & trimmed them. Allotment work completed. I carried a wire covered framework back with me. I want to sow seed in pots at home but know we have mice in the greenhouse so need to put protection on place.
I picked in the washing, hung it on the airer, some of it nearly dry so it was worth pegging it out for a couple of hours.
Drove done to CK. Walked Indie. Mum & I then gardened for an hour, I hard pruned a Viburnum opulus. Every year the leaves get nibbled, & it looks a mess. Hopefully a hard prune might help. The prunings filled the green waste wheelie bin, just enough room to squash in a couple of buckets of three cornered leek that we had managed to oik out of the herbaceous beds surrounding the front lawn. It's such a thug. Mum & I thought we'd done a pretty thorough job two years ago even sieving the soil in the hope of getting all the baby bulbules but no. We'll have to keep removing the flower heads and lift plants as & when possible. Coffee while I prepared Mum's lunch. Tested the fire alarm, & smoke detector. Indie hated the high pitched sounds and was found a quivering mass by the garden gate. I knew she would'nt like the noise so had shut her in the back garden before I did the tests. She was'nt keen to come back indoors. A biscuit did the trick.
Back home for lunch with hubby, then we headed back to Trago Mills with the shoes I bought him on Friday. Not easy for him to get on, plus a decorative (contrasting colour) band around the sole got the thumbs down. Very quiet in the store. I got a refund then we walked up through to the shoe dept. Not much choice but we eventually found 2 pairs that he liked, and fitted for just a little more than the Hush Puppies so that was a result. Hubby is really struggling walking. I keep explaining the importance of posture :-) What a nag I am! But it's for his own sake.
Made a very tasty chicken musaman curry for dinner. Hubby likes the freshly made condiments as much as the actual curry so although this is a Thai curry, normally only jasmine rice as an accompaniment, I made tomato, onion, & coriander leaf salad plus a cucumber & mint raita, served with steamed rice, & garlic naan. It hit the spot very nicely.
Thanks to JohnEdward for hosting Mono Monday, with today's subject High Contrast. I like to have a go at the challenges but not often satisfied with my results. The allotment shed plus "stuff".
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