Life and times of CC & AJ

By Shh

New tricks

This abacus was a Christening present from Aunty Jackie. CC will happily spend half an hour spinning the beads, he can't quite count with it yet though! As mummy's return to work looms she is getting sad every time that she takes CC to one of his baby groups, as they will all have to end soon. Music with mummy that we went to today only has two weeks left before summer holidays and by the autumn term mummy will be back working. CC loves music with mummy, it's definitely his favourite group by far. Especially now he can shake a maraca in each hand in time to the music!

In other news today mummy has made a dinner that CC actually enjoyed eating... a somewhat improvised pasta with pea, tomato and onion. He loved it...Mummy is very proud of herself!!

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