
By Bom

A Walk in the Woods

I did a couple of loads of washing and got it hung outside to dry before setting off to meet JohnRH and W for a walk at Blickling. We all started the walk with light jackets on which were removed within 10 mins of walking as it was around 18C and lovely and sunny. The walk through the woods passes what must be millions of bluebells and we were accompanied round the woods with lots of bird song which was delightful. I did take my big camera and long lens, but I was intrigued when we came across this which I could only photograph with my phone camera. A Midsummer Night’s Dream came to mind. A delightful walk with good company, followed by a cuppa. 

On the drive home I was passed by a policeman coming towards me on a motorbike with his lights flashing. Then the traffic had been stopped by his colleague before a right hand turn before Holt Country Park, with the traffic ahead stopping very close to the road edge, so I followed suit. He was then replaced by another colleague in a police car and then two long lorries came round the bend with very large cables on drums (see extra), presumably related to the offshore wind farm onshore cabling. It was all handled very well and I was grateful it was not the Hornsea very wide loads, which would have been a bit trickier. This afternoon I did the ironing whilst listening to the Post Office Inquiry.

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