
By KenH

Panopticon No2 - Singing Ringing Tree

The Singing, Ringing Tree sits high on the moors overlooking Burnley.
A 3-meter-tall, wind-powered musical sculpture made of galvanized steel pipes. The pipes swirl to form the shape of a tree bent and blown by the wind, and produce an eerie, melodious hum as the wind blows through them. The pipes are structural or aesthetic and musical. The musical pipes are tuned, with their sound varied according to length and added narrow slits on the underside of specific pipes. The sound produced by this twisted metal tree covers several octaves and is said to be both discordant and beautiful. It is certainly different.
Completed in 2006, the Tree was designed by award-winning architects Mike Tonkin and Anna Liu. In 2007, the sculpture won the National Award of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) for architectural excellence.

This the second in my Panopticon series, The first can be found here.

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