
By justbrian

Enjoying the view

Today I've had more exercise than I really wanted.

This morning I had a five mile run in 20 degree heat. Now those of you who know where I live will know how unusual this is, any how you could have rang me out when I got in. This afternoon Mrs S decided that she wanted to go for a walk down to the coast. We walked to the nearest metro (train) station 2.5 miles and got a train to the coast. We got off at Cullercoats and had chips on the beach ( in the rain, despite the fact that it was very warm) we then walked along the promenade (where this was taken) to Tynemouth to a pub known locally as The stuffed dogit's actually called the Turks Head but there is a dog in a case in the pub, the story is quite good, it makes Lassie look a bit tame. ( another 2.5 miles)

They serve really nice beer so it would have been rude not to have a couple of pints.

We then got the metro to a station called Four Lane ends and walked home ( 4 miles)

My feet are now killing me, loads of blisters and my head is bright red from the sunshine.

Thank you to all who took the time to comment yesterday and in Richards case the last thirty blips ( thank you), I don't know if anyone else has noticed but when I load images to blip they never look as sharp as they do on my monitor !

I'm back to work tomorrow night after having had a month off, this included an unexpected admission to hospital and my summer holidays from work, what makes it worse is that it's night shift.

oh and the rest of todays efforts are here

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