Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Against a green curtain

I have been playing catch up all week as it has been so busy. Last night we had a productive camera club committee meeting, there was so much to discuss with our annual exhibition coming up and some changes in competition rules to discuss, we struggled to finish in the allotted time. 

This morning I was up early as I was expecting a delivery of new dining chairs for the kitchen. The delivery process was very efficient as early this morning I received a text giving me a 3 hour window of when to expect the delivery. They were delivered by 8am so I could get on with my day.

After walking Xena, where I took this photo, I went off to the ladies golf rollup. As summer approaches it has got busy at the golf centre so we have to book our sessions at least a month in advance to get a slot. Our group of ladies likes to go to the same session so we have booked up to the end of June to ensure we can get our chosen time of 11am. Thankfully it was warm at golf today, no jackets required and some were even in short sleeves. After golf we had a cappuccino at the newly opened café at the golf centre.

I have spent most of the afternoon doing the minutes of last night's meeting, it does take a fair bit of time but they are now done and the first draft has been emailed to the chairman for his approval. Xena had another walk this afternoon around our neighbourhood, and we have so many foxes about at the moment that she goes crazy when she sees one. We have a few in our garden every afternoon and evening which seems to torment Xena.

I am looking forward to a quiet evening tonight, I need it!

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