
By Farmerboab

Power to the people

All go again today. Cattle fed then the power went off at 9am. Scottish Power are replacing the transformer on the pole at the farm cottages next door. Once they had it done they brought their digger over here to put an extra stay on the pole in the yard. The pole was changed in 2017 and the crew put one stay on the pole last thing on the Friday afternoon,promising they would be back on Monday to do the second one. It's only taken 7 years !
They also managed to dig through a water pipe I told them was there. Was busy down the hole repairing it when I felt something fall on my neck. Turns out it was this handsome fellow in my extra photo......
Managed to rodeo in the 3 spooky cows and their calves with 2 quad bikes. Got the calves tagged and everyone back to their field without any major issues.
After lunch took 5 cows with wee calves out a shed,gave the cows their BVD vaccine and ran them out beside the 9 cows and calves I put on the bank next to the quarry yesterday.
Then managed to get 2 loads of fertiliser spread before the harr rolled in tonight.

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