Memory Evoked. Leitz Summicron 35mm V4.
My Editor and I have a connection to this beautiful Cambridge townhouse. Back in 1998, we were asked by the friends - who owned and lived in this house - of a friend, if we would mind house sitting for them while they went on an extended trip to Australia and New Zealand. At the time, we had been driven from our apartment by a disastrous fire which started in the unit above us. We were homeless, and happy to have a nice place to live for six weeks while we hunted for a new place.
Despite driving past the house on my commute to work every week, I had forgotten about this story. But yesterday, when I was photographing the gymnasium at the Rindge and Latin School down the street, I noticed the lovely tree in full bloom with the columns behind it, and it triggered my memory. Today, with some time to spare, I went back with camera and suitable lens to capture the scene in flat, overcast light.
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