Pictorial blethers

By blethers

Think it's come ...

May Day. And no, I wasn't up at dawn washing my face in the dew, for I have a feeling it would perhaps have been rainwater from the fine rain that seemed to have been falling when I did waken, rather late because I can never just go to bed on choir nights. But appropriately enough, today we realised  that it actually felt almost mild enough for May, and though the sun came and went, and there were even some drops of rain towards teatime, it felt like a lovely day. So what did I do with it?

Actually, not very open-air stuff at all in the morning. I made soup and scanned more old photos. Himself was making bigger holes in a pot I might have planted up this morning but for the fact that ******lugs next door decided to incinerate his industrial waste - the debris from his one-man business that the recycling place charge him to dump - in his garden, right beside our shared garden wall, so that our garden was  full of smoke and I had to keep the door shut to avoid filling the kitchen with it too. So that put paid to that ...

We did, however, go out in the afternoon, to Benmore Gardens - less likely to be busy than at the weekend, and actually apart from the area round the entrance more or less deserted except for the curator driving a couple of chaps up the hill in the new electric buggy that the less fit can pay to be driven around the gardens in. It was absolutely glorious; the red rhododendrons and the early floppy white ones are almost finished, but there are now great swathes of white, pink and pale purple, as well as some amazing scents and the first red squirrel I've seen in the garden this year. 

And then it was home to dinner, Compline and collapsing - the usual Wednesday evening. And now I'm away to upload some scans of photos from the 90s and the 00s and dream of mountains...

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