
By lucia13

Hi! I am hungry!

Hello friends! Sorry about my dramatic story about the chick swan missed yesterday. It was not my intention to make you sad but I think I should share this news with all of you. specially with those people who follow my story since the beginning.
The nature is beautiful but sometimes it is very cruel . We have to accepted that and it is the life. Sometimes we share funny things and nice news sometimes bad and sad news.
Today I have a little visitors in my garden. I was putting the food for my birds babies and suddenly this little one was landing in from of me waiting for more food. He looks a baby robin . He is very tiny and his pose is funny to me .I had the camera in my neck like always and just shoot him . I had time to take 2 ooictures . This is the most clear I got. What a pity my husband cut the grass the last Sunday and my daisies going away. The garden was beautiful the last week but now it is dry and not one flower there. . I hope you like my little bird.
Thanks for your lovely comments and support in my sad blip yesterday . I apologise for this people I make them sad. I hope today I make you and all them SMILE ..I know this is the best way to go to bed happy when you see something nice and happy stories..

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