
By Teasel


I woke up to a beautiful day and was out early for my pre-work walk.  I had time to go a bit further and so went along by the river.  I think the goose may have had goslings in her nest, but I may have imagined it, as it was quite hard to see.  However there was an overly interested magpie hanging around, which doesn’t bode well.  Once home, I did about an hours work then was picked up by a colleague and we headed to Hamiton for a day of meetings.  Not far along the road we could see the haar coming in.  So much for the beautiful day – it was short lived – at least on the east side of the country.
It was good to get out and meet the people we work with,  something we don’t do enough of nowadays.  It’s just so much better than more Teams meetings.  I was pretty weary when I got back home, but was pleased to find that BB was working.  I then headed out for a quick walk to waken myself up a bit.  I walked back down to the river.  The swan and the goose were both on their nests – with no sign of young.  I did see my first swallows, swooping low over the river.  I picked up some provisions for tea, and came home and cooked a quick curry.
Later I popped out for a few steps  in the haar.
We’re getting to the end of the blossom season.  This was taken early this morning, before the haar appeared, when we still had a blue sky..

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