
By JohnW

Double Silly

Today’s main feature is the relocation of last Saturday’s  mailbox.  In fact it’s already on its way back to amazon as I type, along with written complaints and photographs of an actual A4 Amazon delivery jammed in the box – a real one of last Saturday’s photo.  In fact I’ll include one at extra.
May the fourth be with you – yes it’s Star Wars Day.  With the lack of suitable props I was going to buy something, if available from Tesco, that is before I saw the silly prices, also at extra.
And I’ve just thought of further silliness – for the second week running Tesco did not have any two pints of skimmed milk, so I have to make an extra run to the Co-op this morning.  We need courgette for the plecs anyway.
Many thanks to DavidC for organising and hosting Silly Saturday in honour of Admirer – SilS lives on.

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